Encouragement for Growing Your Business

No more playing it small.

We see you, thinking “Why start? Why try? Why not just stay in survival mode?”

We’ve all been there, but we promise, you are not stuck! You can create a brand with a reputation that allows you to raise your prices, get selective about who you work with, and grow your business. We get it — it takes some tough mental work to carve out the time to work on your own business and build brand awareness. It takes believing you’re worthy of investing in and that it’s possible to turn your dreams for your brand into a reality.

Which of these thoughts are you committing to trading out? We’re working on all three! 

But how do you get out of your own head? How do you put your dreams and plans for your business into action? We’re sharing some encouragement on how to set achievable goals, prioritize time, and turn your dreams into actions, so keep on reading!


As a business owner we know you’re running at 100mph all day every day. And we respect your drive and commitment 100%. But, don’t neglect setting aside time for yourself and for growing your own business. Maybe that means blocking out a specific time to focus on building your brand. Maybe that means picking one specific goal or task to tackle every week — big or small. 

Whatever it is, make sure you’re getting your brand out there for people to find! There are two places that are key to building brand awareness for your business.

Can you guess what they are? Yep! Your website and social media platforms. So show up for your followers, and for yourself. 

Set aside time to level up your online presence and engage on those platforms with your audience. Maybe that means investing in a complete branding design for your website or honing in on your social media skills.

Remember, your website and social media are the first impressions potential clients will have of your wonderful brand, so you want to make sure they’re clear, engaging, and easy to find. 


In order to grow your brand and set yourself up for success, it is so important to have realistic, trackable business goals. Set aside some time for goal setting (both personally and professionally). Make sure you have all of your goals down on paper and that you are regularly tracking the progress. 

Try breaking your goals down by weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. This will help keep you organized and on track with the direction you want to take your business. And don’t forget your 5 year and 10 year goals — they are super helpful tools for painting the bigger picture for your business.

Don’t be afraid to give yourself grace and re-evaluate your goals if need be. Your goals are tools to help motivate you, not stress you out.


What if you had a best friend or family member in the same boat as you? Wanting to grow their dream brand, but just feeling stuck. What would be your advice to them? We’re guessing you’d give them all the encouragement in the world. You’d be their biggest cheerleader right? 

Well, we want you to take Brene Brown’s advice. . .

“Talk to yourself like someone you love.”

It’s time for some positive self-talk. It’s time to throw self-doubt out the window and believe in yourself and the magic of your brand. Because there is only one you. And you are the only one who can share your incredible brand with the world.


We see you, pouring so much time into turning your clients’ dreams into realities, and we applaud you for that. But, it shouldn’t mean putting your own aspirations on the back burner. You have to believe that you’re important too. It’s time to invest in yourself and start turning your own dreams into a reality. Because, trust us, you are worth it.

Like so many things in life, going after your ambitions for your business takes confidence, it requires getting out of your own head and letting go of any worries or insecurities. If you’re waiting until you feel like you have the perfect brand or all the answers, you’ll just keep on waiting. There’s no better time than now to grow the brand you’ve always wanted.

What’s that saying?

“Doubt kills dreams more than failure ever will.

— Suzy Kassem

It’s so true though! Growing your brand means taking a leap of faith. We believe you can do it, but it won’t work unless you believe it too!

So just think about it — what’s been holding you back from taking your business to the next level? How can you shift your mindset to be more positive and confident in yourself and in your brand? What are your goals and aspirations for your brand and how can you start making time now to grow your business to its fullest potential?

Don’t feel like you need to jump at these steps right this second. Take a minute to reflect on what stage your business is in and what direction you’re wanting to grow. You have to determine what’s right for you based on your purpose, business goals, and brand strategy. 

We hope this gives you an extra boost of encouragement to take that leap of faith and start putting your plans and dreams for your brand into action. What steps are you going to take first? We’d love to hear!


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